2020 Shanghai Pulp Week
According to the current situation of epidemic situation and the demand of pulp market development, the paper chamber of Commerce decided to hold the annual meeting of Shanghai pulp week 2020 from September 21-22.
With the further stability of the situation of prevention and control of domestic epidemic, China's economic growth and social order are gradually recovering, the market and demand of paper industry are increasing, and the industry prosperity and confidence begin to recover. It is expected that in the second half of the year, China's pulp and paper industry will gradually return to normal track, creating the basic conditions for the growth of pulp market and the return of value.
The annual meeting will focus on the theme of "recovery and return", aiming at promoting market growth and value return, focusing on the contents of "the impact of global epidemic on pulp industry and market, new capacity of China paper industry, rational face of prohibition of waste and plastic prohibition, contradiction and structural adjustment of raw materials, breakthrough of low-level operation of pulp paper, return to market value, and strengthening cooperation and development of pulp and paper industry chain", In the way of combination of offline and online, the paper industry and pulp market are facing the world. Leaders, experts and professionals of major pulp manufacturing and suppliers, paper enterprises, trade, logistics, equipment, technology enterprises and relevant industry organizations are invited to participate in the meeting.
Honorary Chairman, CPICC
General Manager, Business Unit of Oji Paper
Vice President, Asia Symbol
Li Hongxin
Honorary President of CPICC
Chairman of Shandong Sun Holdings Group
General Manager, Yueyang Forest and Paper Co., Ltd.
Vice Secretary General, Paper Branch, China Commerce Association for General Merchandise
CEO, Metsä Fibre
VP, Head of Sales and Marketing, TietoEVRY Pulp, Paper and Fibre Based Industries
Managing Director, Hawkins Wright Ltd.
Vice Chairman, CPICC
Vice CEO, Vinda International Holdings
Consultant, CPICC
Managing Director, Suzano Asia
Director, Sales APAC, UPM Pulp
Founder of Brian McClay & Associates Inc.
Professor, University of International Relations
Chief Economist, Zhixin Investment; Chairman, Academy of
Macroeconomic Research
President, China Chief Economist Forum
President, Valmet China
9月21日下午 Afternoon, September 21st | ||||
开幕式 Opening Ceremony | 14:00-14:20 | 主办单位致辞 Organizer's Speech 全国工商联第十届执委会副主席 全国工商联纸业商会名誉会长 恒安集团总裁 许连捷 Xu Lianjie Honorary Chairman, CPICC | ||
形势报告 Situation Report | 14:20—14:40 | 全球阔叶浆市场展望 Global BHKP Market Outlook ——亚太森博副总裁 胡伟 Hu Wei Vice President, Asia Symbol | ||
14:40—15:00 | 疫情下中国商品浆市场的变化和趋势 Change and Trend of Pulp Market in China under Pandemic Situation ——岳阳林纸股份有限公司总经理 李战 Li Zhan, General Manager, Yueyang Forest and Paper Co., Ltd. | |||
专题报告 Keynote Report | 15:00—15:20 | 新形势下中国纸张需求变化及趋势 Changes and Trends of Paper Demand in China under New Situation ——中国百货商业协会纸张联合分会执行副秘书长 庄向群 Zhuang Xiangqun Vice Secretary General, Paper Branch, China Commerce Association for General Merchandise | ||
15:20—15:40 | 疫情下商品木浆市场的近期展望及长期可持续发展 Short-term Pulp Market Dynamics under COVID-19 & Long-term Focus on Sustainable Growth ——芬林芬宝CEO 诺毅 Ismo Nousiainen, CEO, Metsä Fibre | |||
15:40—16:00 | 纸浆行业价值链效率的数字化行动 Digitalization in Action for Pursuing Pulp Value Chain Efficiency ——叠拓浆纸行业全球销售和市场部副总裁 Jarmo Ropponen Jarmo Ropponen , VP, Head of Sales and Marketing, TietoEVRY Pulp,Paper and Fibre Based Industries | |||
16:00-16:20 | 中华全国工商业联合会纸业商会 中远海运特种运输股份有限公司 战略合作 签字仪式 CPICC&COSCO Shipping Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony | |||
16:20—16:40 | 疫情对纸浆工业短期和中期的影响 Impact of Pandemic to Pulp Industry in Short and Medium Term ——Tom Wright Managing Director, Hawkins Wright Ltd. | |||
高端对话 Panel Discussion | 16:40—17:40 | 主持人 Host 王子制纸国际贸易(上海)有限公司营业部总经理 李建明 James Li,General Manager, Business Unit of Oji Paper 对话嘉宾 Guests 1. 全国工商联纸业商会副会长 维达纸业副行政总裁 张健 Zhang Jian, Vice Chairman, CPICC ; Vice CEO, Vinda International Holdings Limited 2.全国工商联纸业商会顾问 金鱼纸浆董事 亚洲区总裁 杨国华 Jeff Yang, Consultant, CPICC; Managing Director, Suzano Asia 3. 太阳纸业纸浆采购部总监 姚冠俊 Yao Guanjun, Director, Purchasing Department of Sun Paper 4. UPM 纸浆亚太区销售总监 毕慧 Connie Bi, Director, Sales APAC, UPM Pulp | ||
晚宴 Dinner | 19:00—21:00 | 同行之夜 招待晚 宴 2020上海纸浆周年会暨第13届 中国纸业发展大会招待晚宴 Gala Dinner for Shanghai Pulp 2020 Annual Meeting & the 13th China Paper and Pulp Industry Development Conference 主题:在一起开新局 Topic:Together,usherinanewera 主持人:纸业商会副会长环龙集团董事长沈根 Host: Shen Genlian, Vice Chairman, CPlC; President, VanovGroup 1、开场视频 0pening Video 2、纸业商会会长华泰集团董事局主席李建华讲话 Welcome Speech:Li Jianhua, Chairman,CPICC; Chairman of theBoard, Huatai Group 3、“在一起,开新局”主题活动 Theme Activity:Together,usher ina new era! 4、集体祝酒 Drink Toasts Together 5、晚宴 Gala Dinner | ||
9月16日上午 Morning, September 16h | ||||
形势报告 Situation Report | 09:10—09:40 | 迎接不确定的世界 Greeting an Uncertain Future ——中国国际关系学院教授 储 殷 Chu Yin Professor, University of International Relations | ||
09:40—10:00 | 2020-2030年制浆造纸市场十大议题 Top 10 Pulp & Paper Market Issues 2020-2030 ——Brian McClay Founder of Brian McClay & Associates Inc. | |||
10:00—10:20 | 疫情下南美纸浆产业和全球市场分析 Analysis of South American Pulp Industry and Global Pulp Market under the Pandemic ——Walter Schalka CEO, Suzano | |||
茶歇 Coffee Break | 10:30—10:50 | 茶歇 Coffee Break | ||
形势报告 Situation Report | 10:50—11:30 | 宏观经济金融形势展望与“双循环”战略 Outlook of Macroeconomic and Financial Situation and Double Circulation Strategy ——植信投资首席经济学家、研究院院长、中国首席经济学家理事会理事长 连平 Lian Ping Chief Economist, Zhixin Investment; Chairman, Academy of Macroeconomic Research; President, China Chief Economist Forum | ||
专题演讲 Keynote Speech | 11:30—11:50 | 用创新技术驱动中国造纸产业的双循环 Driving Double Circulation of China's Paper Industry with Innovative Technology ——维美德中国区总裁 朱向东 Zhu Xiangdong President, Valmet China | ||
11:50—12:10 | 疫情下海外林浆项目投资环境及趋势 Investment Environment and Trends of Overseas Projects under the Pandemic ——中工国际股份有限公司总经理 王宇航 Wang Yuhang, General Manager, China CAMC Engineering Co. LTD | |||
午餐 Buffet Lunch | 12:30—13:30 | 午餐 Buffet Lunch |
Shanghai Pulp Week 2020 Annual Meeting & The 13th CPIDC
Gala Dinner
Time:19:00—21:00, Sep 21st, 2020
Venue:Shanghai Marriot Hotel City Center
Subject:Together, usher in a new era