2019 Shanghai Pulp Week
Growth continues to slow down, uncertainty is rising, various risks are emerging – this is the hallmark of 2018 Chinese economy .Weak demand, falling prices, increasing downtime, annual production down by 10 million tons – this is the hall- mark of 2018 Chinese paper industry.
From now on, slowdown Chinese economy, uncertainty over US/China trade war, intensified new environmental policies, disappearing imported wastepaper, about to "bursting" imported pulp.
Faced with abrupt changes and experienced both confusion and panic in 2018, what will happen in the Chinese paper industry in 2019?
With unknown Chinese economy and the changing paper industry, what will be the impacts on the global pulp market?
2019 Shanghai Pulp Week, organized by China Pulp & Paper Industry Chamber of Commerce, will invite industry experts and all the other industry players to jointly share insights and meet another round of challenges from the global pulp & paper market brought by Chinese economy and policies.
Chairman, CPICC
Chairman of the Board of Huatai Group
Vice Chairman of CPICC
Chairman of Asia Symbol (Shandong)
Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd.
Chief Economist of Ping An Securities
President of Brian McClay & Associates Inc.
Commercial Vice President of Asia Symbol
CEO, Suzano
General Manager Business Unit of Oji Paper International Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Chief Procurement Officer, Vinda International Holdings Limited
Vice President, UPM
Business Director, Arauco
Director, Purchasing Department of Sun Paper
Secretary General , CPICC
Director of Purchasing Center,China Paper Corporation
CEO, Metsä Fibre
Director of Business Information, APP
Managing Director, Vision Hunters Ltd. Oy
Managing Director,RISI China
Managing Partner, Trade Tree Online
Technical Director, Henan Investment Group
3月20日上 午 Moring, Mar.20 | |||
开幕式 Opening Ceremony | 8:30-9:00 | 主办方致辞 Opening Remarks ——李建华 纸业商会会长 华泰集团董事局主席 Li Jianhua Chairman, CPICC Chairman of the Board of Huatai Group 赞助商致辞 Sponsor Speech ——李建绍 纸业商会副会长 亚太森博(山东)浆纸有限公司董事长 Li Jianshao Vice Chairman of CPICC Chairman of Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd. | |
形势报告 Situation Report
| 9:00-9:30 | 宏观经济与大类资产配置展望 Outlook for China’s Macroeconomy ——张 明 平安证券首席经济学家 Zhang Ming,Chief Economist, Ping An Securities | |
9:30-9:50 | 全球纸浆市场报告 Global Trends in Market Pulp ——Brian McClay 加拿大Brian McClay & Associates公司总裁 Brian McClay, President of Brian McClay & Associates Inc. | ||
专题报告 Keynote Report | 9:50-10:10 | 全球浆纸市场分析与展望 Pulp and Paper Market Outlook ——胡伟 亚太森博商务副总裁 Hu Wei, Commercial Vice President - Asia Symbol | |
茶 歇 Coffee Break | 10:10-10:30 | 茶 歇 Coffee Break | |
专题报告 Keynote Report | 10:30-10:50 | 新金鱼的责任与使命 New Suzano’s, Responsibility and Mission ——沃特·舒卡 巴西金鱼浆纸CEO Walter Schalka CEO, Suzano | |
高端对话 Panel Discussion | 10:50-11:50 | 主持人 Host 李建明 王子制纸国际贸易(上海)有限公司营业部总经理 James Li, General Manager Business Unit of Oji PaperInternational Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 对话嘉宾 Guests 1. 苏洛夫 维达国际控股有限公司采购总裁 Richard Su ,Chief Procurement Officer, Vinda International Holdings Limited 2. Tomas Wiklund, UPM副总裁 Tomas Wiklund. Vice President, UPM 3.瑞金德 阿茹库商务总监 Ricardo Strauszer, Business Director, Arauco 4.姚冠俊 太阳纸业纸浆采购部总监 Yao Guanjun, Director, Purchasing Department of Sun Paper | |
午餐 Lunch | 12:00-12:30 | 午餐 Lunch | |
3月20日下 午 Afternoon, Mar.20 | |||
专 题 演 讲 Keynote Speech | 14:10-14:30 | 中国造纸产业及市场形势报告 Outlook for Chinese Pulp & Paper Industry and Market ——张慎金 全国工商联纸业商会秘书长 Zhang Shenjin, Secretary General , CPICC | |
14:30-14:50 | 变化中的中国纸浆市场与应对策略 Fast-Changing Chinese Pulp Market & Solutions ——李 战 中国纸业投资有限公司采购中心主任 Li Zhan, Director of Purchasing Center,China Paper Corporation | ||
14:50-15:10 | 芬林芬宝生物质产品概念和创新展望 Metsä Fibre’s Bioproduct Concept and Innovation Ambition ——诺 毅 首席执行官 芬林芬宝 Imso Nousiainen, CEO, Metsä Fibre | ||
15:10-15:30 | 中国浆纸行业未来市场展望 Outlook for Chinese Pulp & Paper Market ——陈韦翰 金光 APP商业讯息总监 Chen Weihan, Director of Business Information, APP | ||
茶 歇 Coffee Break | 15:30-16:00 | 茶 歇 Coffee Break | |
专 题 演 讲 Speech | 16:00-16:20 | 全球浆纸产业的并购趋势 Global M&A Trends in Pulp and Paper Industry ——Teija Konttori 总裁 芬兰纬航咨询有限公司 Managing Director, Vision Hunters Ltd. Oy | |
16:20-16:40 | 变局中的中国造纸业:应对进口废纸政策变化及其影响 China Paper Industry in Structural Change: Tackling the RCP Import Policy Change and its Impact ——李 炜 美国RISI咨询中国总经理 Levi Li, Managing Director,RISI China | ||
16:40-17:00 | 全球大宗商品及纸浆市场风险防控 Making Sense of Pulp Price Volatility ——Fraser Hart, Managing Partner, Trade Tree Online |
Main Activities:
March 19
10:00-22:00 Registration
14:00-17:00 Seminar on the Connection of Global Forest Paper Investment Projects ( Only to be invited)
18:00-21:00 New Suzano′s Night—Gala Dinner of 2019Shanghai Pulp Week
March 20
08:30-17:30 Shanghai Pulp Week 2019 Annual Meeting