2018 Shanghai Pulp Week
Since the fluctuations started in the second half of 2016, the Chinese pulp market was again impacted in 2017 by the tightening environmental policies and the import restrictions imposed on recovered paper. The Chinese pulp market has been volatile and prices have gone north, reaching the peak of all the last decade. The situation in China has inevitably had some impact on the global pulp market and development trend of the paper industry.
Entering 2018, the instability and uncertainty in the Chinese paper sector will become more prominent, environmental control effects will intensify, and there are still some pending issues regarding the recovered paper imports. As the new capacity continues to release and raw materials and paper prices continue to raise, how to fill the supply/demand gap of nearly 10 million tons of recovered paper? Will the Chinese paper industry be able to bear the USD 3 billion cost increase in sourcing raw materials? What are the potentials of domestic collections? What would be the impact of raw material substitutes on production and product portfolios? What are the potential impacts of the startup of new pulp projects on the global market? Will there be any new “black swan event” occurring? What are the future pulp price trends? There are too many uncertainties which are not only causing the lengthy volatility and panic situation in the Chinese paper industry but also the global pulp and recovered paper businesses. These issues have certainly attracted the attention of the global pulp and paper industry.
Faced with the complicated situation in the Chinese paper industry, the CPICC follows closely the changes in government policies, grasps carefully the industry’s development trend, and has prepared an exciting program for the 2018 Shanghai International Pulp Week Forum and relevant activities and invited government officials, economists, industry experts, local and international pulp and paper company executives, as well as international consultants to speak at CPICC Forum.
Meanwhile, over 30 international pulp suppliers and major Chinese pulp producers will continue to support the pulp week as strategic partners. It is expected that some 500 participants, including the senior executives from these 30 companies, will attend Shanghai International Pulp Week and the CPICC Forum.
“Understand Chinese pulp market from here” is the key objective of Shanghai International Pulp Week. CPICC, together with the leading international pulp and paper companies and service providers, tries to provide a high-level and professional international exchange and cooperation platform, in order to help build a “balanced, stable and sustainable” global pulp market.
President, CPICC
Chairman of the Board,Huatai Group
Chairman of Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd.
Former Vice Dean of Macro Economy Research Institute of NRDC
Consultant of CPICC
Deputy Secretary General, China National Light Industry Council
President of Brian McClay & Associates Inc
General Manager Business Unit of Oji Paper International Trading (Shanghai)
Director Global Sourcing Fivers, SCA HYGIENE PRODUCTS GMBH
Deputy General Manager,YueYang Forest & Paper CO.,LTD
Special Assistant to Shareholder, VP Tech & BD of APP
Vice President Pulp Sales of Catalyst
Marketing Director of APRIL GROUP
Director, Procurement Center, China Paper Corporation
Managing Director Qingdao Port Pulp Logistics Company
General Manager of Marketing & Sales Center of COSCO SHIPPING SPECIALIZED CARRIER CO., LTD.
RISI Chief Economic Advisor
Consultant of CPICC
Technical Director,Henan Investment Group
President of Jiangsu Province Paper Industry Association
Chairman of ShanDong Hutai Paper
Pulp Sales Director, APAC UPM
President of Stora Enso China
Managing Director, RISI China Ltd.
Deputy Secretary General of China Resource Recycling Association Recovered Paper Branch
3月14日上 午 Moring, Mar.14 | |||
开幕式 Opening Ceremony | 9:00-9:10 | 主办方致辞 Opening Remarks ——李建华 纸业商会会长 华泰集团董事局主席 Li Jianhua President, CPICC Chairman of the Board of Huatai Group 赞助商致辞 Sponsor Speech ——李建绍 纸业商会副会长 亚太森博(山东)浆纸有限公司董事长 Li Jianshao Vice President of CPICC Chairman of Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd. | |
主旨报告 Keynote Report
| 9:10-9:40 | 中国新一轮经济改革对制浆造纸行业的影响 The Impact of China’s New Round of Economic Reform on Paper and Pulp Industry ——陈东琪 国家宏观经济研究院原常务副院长 Chen Dongqi, Former Vice Dean of Macro Economy Research Institute of NRDC | |
9:40-10:00 | 2017—2018年中国浆纸产业发展形势报告 2017-2018 Report of China Pulp and Paper Industry Development ——郭永新 纸业商会顾问 中国轻工业联合会副秘书长 Guo Yongxin, Consultant of CPICC, Deputy Secretary General, China National Light Industry Council | ||
9:50-10:10 | 全球浆纸市场分析与展望 Pulp and Paper Market Outlook ——胡伟 亚太森博商务副总裁 Hu Wei, Commercial Vice President - Asia Symbol | ||
10:00-10:20 | 中国对全球纸浆市场的影响 China’s impact on Global Pulp Market ——Brian Mcclay 加拿大Brian McClay & Associates公司总裁 Brian McClay, President of Brian McClay & Associates Inc | ||
茶 歇 Coffee Break | 10:20-10:40 | 茶 歇 Coffee Break | |
主旨报告 Keynote Report
| 10:40-10:55 | 中工国际“三相联动”纸浆战略合作机会 Pulp Strategic Cooperation Opportunities of China CAMC ——王宇航 中工国际副总经理 中亚东欧事业部总经理 Wang Yuhang, VP of China CAMC, President of Central Asia & Eastern Europe Division
| |
高端对话 Panel Discussion | 11:00-12:00 | 主题:新需求、新供给、新矛盾、新秩序 —— 2018年纸浆市场展望 Topic: The New Demand, The New Capacity, The New Contradiction, The New Order —— Outlook of Global Pulp Market in 2018 主持人 Host 李建明 王子制纸国际贸易(上海)有限公司营业部总经理 James Li, General Manager Business Unit of Oji PaperInternational Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 对话嘉宾 Guests 1. Brian Dillon 爱适瑞(原爱生雅)全球采购总监 Souring Director of Essity 2. 禚 昊 岳阳林纸股份有限公司副总经理 Zhuo Hao, Deputy General Manager,YueYang Forest & Paper CO.,LTD 3. 瑞金德 阿茹库商务总监 Ricardo Strauszer, Arauco Marketing &Sales Director 4.刘明明 APP股东特别助理 全球技术和企业发展副总裁 Liu Mingming, Special Assistant to Shareholder, VP Tech & BD 5. 陈秀丽 加拿大Catalyst(狮牌) 浆销售副总裁 Sally Chan, Vice President Pulp Sales of Catalyst | |
午餐 Lunch | 12:00-12:30 | 午餐 Lunch | |
3月14日下 午 Afternoon, Mar.14 | |||
市场分析 Market Analysis | 14:00-14:20 | 浆纸行业新形势与2018市场展望 Outlook for Pulp and Paper Market ——完颜绍华 亚太资源集团市场总监 Wanyan Shaohua, Marketing Director of APRIL GROUP | |
14:20-14:40 | 2018 年中国纸浆市场行情趋势分析 China’s Pulp Market Demand Trend Analysis in 2018 ——李 战 中国纸业投资有限公司采购中心主任 Li Zhan, Director, Procurement Center ,China Paper Corporation | ||
14:40-14:50 | 港口协同优化纸浆供应链的创新实践 Port’s Innovative Practice in Pulp Supply Chain Optimization ——唐青岗 青岛港纸浆物流有限公司执行董事 Tony Q.Tang Managing Director Qingdao Port Pulp Logistics Company | ||
14:50-15:00 | 开启纸浆物流的多元化时代 New Miltiple-Choice Time of Logistics Service for Pulp's Shipments —— 陈锋 中远海运特运营销中心总经理 Chen Feng, General Manager of Marketing & Sales Center of COSCO SHIPPING SPECIALIZED CARRIER CO., LTD.
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15:00-15:20 | 全球溶解浆趋势及对纸浆市场的影响 Trend of Global Dissolving Pulp and its Impact on Pulp Market —— Rod Young RISI 首席经济顾问 Chief Economic Advisor | ||
茶 歇 Coffee Break | 15:20-15:40 | 茶 歇 Coffee Break | |
市场分析 Market Analysis | 15:40-16: 00 | 中国进口废纸政策导向及效应分析 The Policy Orientation and Effect Analysis of China's Imported Waste Paper ——唐艳菊 中国再生资源回收协会废纸分会秘书长 Tang Yanju, Deputy Secretary General of China Resource Recycling Association Recovered Paper Branch | |
高端对话 Panel Discussion | 16:00-17:00 | 主题:谁来填补近千万吨废纸缺口? Topic: Who will Fill the Gap of Nearly 10 Million Tons of Waste Paper? 主持人:郭海泉 纸业商会顾问 河南投资集团技术总监 Moderator : Guo Haiquan, Consultant of CPICC Technical Director of Henan Investment Group 嘉宾Guests: 1. 牛庆民 江苏省造纸行业协会理事长 Niu Qingming, President of Jiangsu Province Paper Industry Association 2. 李晓亮 山东华泰纸业股份有限公司董事长 Li Xiaoliang, Chairman of ShanDong Hutai Paper 3.毕 慧 UPM纸浆亚洲区销售总监 Connie Bi, Pulp Sales Director, APAC UPM 4.宇徳钧 斯道拉恩索中国区总载 Aaron, President of Stora Enso China 5.李 炜 博闻锐思商务咨询(北京)有限公司董事总经理 Levi Li, Managing Director,RISI China Ltd. | |
酒会 Cocktail Party | 17:00-18:30 | 酒会 Pre-dinner Cocktail Party | |
浆周招待晚宴 Gala Dinner | 18:30-20:30 | 浆周招待晚宴 Gala Dinner |
时 间:3月14日9:00-17:00
地 点:五层大宴会厅
时 间:3月14日17:00-18:30
地 点:五层大宴会厅前厅
时 间:3月14日18:30-20:30
地 点:五层大宴会厅
时 间:3月15日09:00-12:00
地 点:四层中餐厅