2017 Shanghai Pulp Week
From the beginning of 2016, China pulp market has been fluctuating under the impact of a series of factors such as the exchange rate of Dollar and RMB ups and downs, strong demand for dissolving pulp and fluff pulp, the harshest-ever 9.21 Transportation New Deal, more strict policies and measures toward environmental protection, the development of Forest biomass technology, Asia’s largest pulp project put into operation and the upturn of China paper market, which cause the continuously increasing variables in China pulp market in 2017. China pulp market is facing reshuffle.
Under the background of the upcoming market changes, with the joint discussion of CPICC and main pulp and paper mills and purchasers both at domestic and abroad, the program of the 2017 CPICC China International Pulp Forum has been confirmed. Focusing on the main subject and relevant hot topics, we have invited related leaders, industry experts, entrepreneurs and consulting institutions to discuss together and make some speeches, we hope to provide good strategies through this conference for the global pulp industry.
President, CPICC
Chairman of the Board,Huatai Group
CEO Metsä Fibre Oy
Vice President, CPICC
Technical Director,Henan Investment Group
Independent Supervisor of CPICC, Director, China
National Information Center of Light Industry
Deputy General Manager of Sinolight Corporation
Vice President, East & Southeast Asia
Metsä Fibre Shanghai Representative Office
Marketing Director of APRIL GROUP
Vice President of Fiber, RISI
Senior Adviser to Shareholders APP
President & Chief Executive Officer, Catalyst Paper
President of Jiangsu Province Paper Industry
Chairman of Jiangsu Paper Union
General Manager Business Unit, Oji Paper International Trading (Shanghai) Co.,ltd
Chairman of the Board, ShanDong Hutai Paper
Pulp Sales Director, APAC UPM
Vice General Manager,Qingdao Port International Freight and Logistics Co.,Ltd
3月15日上 午 Moring, Mar.15 | |||
开幕式 Opening Ceremony | 8:50-9:20 | 主办方致辞 Opening Remarks ——李建华 纸业商会会长 华泰集团董事局主席 Li Jianhua President, CPICC Chairman of the Board of Huatai Group
播放芬宝宣传视频 Metsä Fibre video
赞助商致辞 Sponsor Speech ——Ilkka Hämälä 芬兰芬宝有限公司CEO Ilkka Hämälä ,CEO Metsä Fibre Oy | |
演讲 Speech
| 9:20-9:50 | 2017宏观经济和大类资产配置 Macro Economy and Major Assets Allocation in 2017 ——林采宜 国泰君安首席经济学家 Lin Caiyi,Chief Economist of GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES | |
9:50-10:10 | 中国纸业新周期与新对策 New Cycle and New Countermeasures of China’s Paper Industry ——郭永新 纸业商会独立监事 中国轻工业信息中心主任 Guo Yongxin, Independent Supervisor of CPICC, Director, China National Information Center of Light Industry | ||
10:10-10:30 | 中国生活用纸和包装纸“十二五”回顾及“十三五”展望 12th Five-Year Plan Review and Outlook of 13th Five-Year Plan on Chinese Household Paper and Packaging Paper ——曹振雷 纸业商会顾问 中国轻工集团副总经理 Cao Zhenlei, Adviser of CPICC, Deputy General Manager of Sinolight Corporation | ||
茶 歇 Coffee Break | 10:30-10:50 | 茶 歇 Coffee Break | |
演讲 Speech
| 10:50-11:10 | "建设一个宏大项目的重要所在" 芬兰芬宝130万吨生物制品项目 What it Takes to Build a Megaproject”Metsä Fibre Äänekoski 1.3 Mton Bioproduct Mill —— Harri Vertanen 副总裁 芬兰芬宝有限公司上海代表处 Harri Vertanen Vice President, East & Southeast Asia Metsä Fibre Shanghai Representative Office | |
11:10-11:30 | 浆纸市场展望 Outlook of Pulp and Paper market ——完颜绍华 亚太资源集团市场总监 Wanyan Shaohua, Marketing Director of APRIL GROUP
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11:30-11:50 | 2017年中国纸浆市场供求与行情走 China’s Pulp Market Demand/Supply Analysis and Major Trends in 2017 ——李 战 中国纸业投资有限公司采购中心主任 Li Zhan, Director, Procurement Center ,China Paper Corporation | ||
11:50-12:10 | 2017年全球纸浆产业及市场分析 Global Pulp Industry and Market in 2017 ——施科德 RISI纤维副总裁 Kurt Schaefer, Vice President of Fiber, RISI | ||
午餐 Lunch | 12:30-13:30 | 午餐 Lunch | |
3月15日下 午 Afternoon, Mar.15 | |||
演讲 Speech | 14:00-14:20 | 环保新形势对于造纸行业走势的影响及企业能力的提升 Impact of New Situations of Environmental Protection on Trends of the Papermaking Industry and the Improvement on Enterprises' Capacity ——程言君 中国轻工业环境保护研究所所长 Chen Yanjun, Director of Environmental Protection Research Institute of Light Industry | |
14:20-14:40 | APP印尼OKI浆厂和商品浆未来市场趋势 OKI and the Future for Market Pulp ——Sunil Sood APP 高级顾问 Sunil Sood, Senior Adviser to Shareholders APP | ||
14:40-15:00 | 全球针叶浆供应趋势和影响 Global NBSK Supply Treads and Implications ——乔. 倪密斯 加拿大狮牌纸浆总裁兼首席执行官 Joe.Nemeth, President & Chief Executive Officer, Catalyst Paper | ||
15:00-15:20 | 中国废纸市场新需求、新机遇、新局面 New Demands, New Opportunities, and Fresh Progress to China’s Waste Paper Market —— 牛庆民 江苏省造纸协会理事长 江苏省纸联再生资源有限公司董事长 Niu Qingmin, President of Jiangsu Province Paper Industry Association/ Chairman of Jiangsu Paper Union | ||
茶 歇 Coffee Break | 15:20-15:40 | 茶 歇 Coffee Break | |
演讲 Speech | 15:40-16: 00 | 加拿大北部软木纤维的发展与创新 Development and Innovation in Canada’s Northern Softwood Pulp Sector ——比尔 ∙ 亚当斯 Canfor纸浆,可持续发展、技术服务和发展高级总监 Bill Adams, Senior Director, Sustainability, Technical Services and Innovation for Canfor Pulp | |
16:00-16:20 | 重塑纸浆行业 Reshape the Paper and Pulp Industry ——陈育芳 中工国际工程股份有限公司副总经理 Chen Yufang Vice President of CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. | ||
高端对话 Panel Discussion | 16:20-17:20 | 主题:把脉2017,纸浆市场的变数和波动 Topic: The Outlook of China Pulp Market Demands In 2017 主持人:李建明 王子制纸国际贸易(上海)有限公司 营业部总经理 Moderator : James Li,General Manager Business Unit, Oji Paper International Trading (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. 嘉宾Guests: 1. 李晓亮 山东华泰纸业股份有限公司董事长 Li Xiaoliang, Chairman of the Board, ShanDong Hutai Paper 2. 苏洛夫 维达国际控股有限公司采购总裁 Richard Su, Chief Procurement Officer, Vinda International Holdings Limited 3.毕 慧 UPM纸浆亚洲区销售总监 Connie Bi, Pulp Sales Director, APAC UPM 4.王永清 厦门国贸纸业有限公司总经理 Wang Yongqing, General Manager, Xiamen ITG Paper Co.,Ltd. 5.李 炜 博闻锐思商务咨询(北京)有限公司董事总经理 Levi Li, Managing Director,RISI China Ltd. 6. 冷 冰 青岛港国际货运物流有限公司副总经理 Leng Bing. Vice General Manager,Qingdao Port International Freight and Logistics Co.,Ltd.
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酒会 Cocktail Party | 17:30-18:30 | 芬宝鸡尾酒会 Cocktail Party Sponsored by Metsӓ Fibre | |
晚宴 Dinner | 18:30-21:00 | 2017中国国际纸浆招待晚宴 Gala Dinner |