2016 Shanghai Pulp Week
Organized by the China Paper and Pulp Industry Chamber of Commerce (CPICC), 2016 CPICC China International Pulp Forum, with support of 30 or so pulping and papermaking companies from abroad and domestic, will be held on 16th March, 2016, in Shanghai.
This forum remains of great importance to 2016 China Pulp Week-Sh an gh ai. Around 300 corporate leaders, from papermaking, pulping, logistics, trade, equipment, will join the Peak Forum , Banquet, High-end meeting, Theme party as well as Press Conference and so on.
In 2016, as the 13th Five-year Plan is going to kick off, China papermaking industry restructuring steps into the most difficult stage. China pulp & paper market, the biggest one in the world, will have great influence on global in 2016 and the following 5 years. Thus, organizer sets ‘China paper industry’s 13th Five-year Plan under growth pattern reform’ as conference theme. It has also invited specialists in macro economy, papermaking, international consulting and leaders from global pulp & paper organization, well-known enterprise to take part in expert dialogue and panel discussion.“Get to know China now’ is CPICC’s purpose and advantage in organizing this conference.
It will fully optimize its influences and experiences to predict China and global pulp & paper industry trends via better understanding of domestic market and worldwide view. It strives to shape the Forum as an influencing platform, with scores of elites, influence on global market and guidance in stable development.
President, CPICC
Chairman of the Board,Huatai Group
Vice President of CPICC
Chairman of Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd.
Former Director, Research Institute for Fiscal
Science Ministry of Finance
Dean,China Academy of New Supply-side Economice
Independent Supervisor, CPICC
Vice Director, Senior Engineer, China National Information Center of Light Industry
Adviser of CPICC,
Deputy General Manager of Sinolight Corporation
Vice President and Head of Asia, Pöyry Management Consulting
Executive Vice President, Stora Enso Biomaterials
Director, Procurement Center ,China Paper Corporation
Commercial Operations Director, Eldorado Brasil
Director, Forest Global, UPM
Vice President–Sales, Tembec
Sales Director, New Forests Timber Products
CEO Metsä Fibre Oy
VP Pulp Sales and Marketing,UPM
3月16日上 午 Moring, Mar.16 | |||
开幕式 Opening Ceremony | 8:30-8:50 | 开场视频 Opening Video
主办方致辞 Opening Remarks ——李建华 纸业商会会长 华泰集团董事长 Li Jianhua President, CPICC, Chairman, Huatai Group
冠名单位致辞 Sponsor Speech ——李建绍 纸业商会副会长 亚太森博(山东)浆纸有限公司 董事长 Li Jianshao Vice President, CPICC Chairman, Asia Symbol (Shandong) Pulp and Paper | |
主旨演讲 Keynote Speech
| 8:50-9:20 | 当前经济形势与供给侧改革下中国经济走向 Chinese Economy and Future Development Trend under “Supply-side” Reform ——贾康 财政部财政科学研究所原所长 华夏新供给经济学研究院院长 Jia Kang, Former Director, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance Dean,China Academy of New Supply-side Economice | |
文化纸、纸板、生活用纸在中国的需求与趋势 Development Trend in China’s Demand for Woodfree Papers, Cartonboard and Tissue ——曹振雷 纸业商会顾问 中轻集团副总经理 Cao Zhenlei, Adviser, CPICC Deputy General Manager, Sinolight Group | |||
9:20-10:20 | 供给侧改革与中国造纸十三五 “Supply-side” Reform and the “13th Five-year Plan” for Chinese Paper Industry ——郭永新 纸业商会独立监事 中国轻工业信息中心副主任 Guo Yongxin, Independent Supervisor, CPICC Vice Director, Senior Engineer, China National Information Center of Light Industry | ||
全球林业资源供给走势及中国投资机会 Global Wood Supply and Investment Opportunities for Chinese Investors ——Andy Fyfe 贝励管理咨询公司亚太区总裁 Andy Fyfe , Vice President and Head of Asia, Pöyr y Management Consulting | |||
茶 歇 Coffee Break | 10:20-10:40 | 茶 歇 Coffee Break | |
主旨演讲 Keynote Speech
| 10:40-12:00 | 全球纸浆市场现状与趋势 Global Pulp Market and Future Outlook —— Kurt Schaefer RISI纤维副总裁 经济师 Kurt Schaefer ,Vice President, Fiber, RISI | |
阔叶浆的现状与展望 Present status and prospect of BHKP —— Gus Choo 亚太资源集团全球销售总监 Gus Choo , Global Sales Director, APRIL | |||
全球针叶浆产业及市场现状与前景 Global Softwood Pulp Market and Future Outlook —— Juan Carlos Bueno 斯道拉恩索生物质材料事业部执行副总裁 Juan Carlos Bueno ,Executive Vice President, Stora Enso Biomaterials | |||
中国林业资源现状和中国森林认证体系 China’s Forestry Resources and China Forest Certification Center ——王伟 国家林业局科技发展中心副主任、中国森林认证委员会主任 Wang Wei, Director of China Forest Certification Center, State Forestry Administration | |||
午餐 Lunch | 12:00-13:30 | 午餐 Lunch | |
3月16日下 午 Afternoon, Mar.16 | |||
主旨演讲 Keynote Speech
| 14:00-15:20 | 中国纸浆市场特色与国际规则 Characteristics of Chinese Pulp Market and International Rules ——李战 中国纸业投资有限公司采购中心主任 Li Zhan, Director of Procurement Center, China Paper Investment Co. Ltd. | |
巴西商品浆企业的优势及面临的挑战 Strengths and challenges of the Brazilian Pulp Producers —— Luis Felli 巴西黄金公牛木浆公司商业运营总监 Luis Felli ,Commercial Operations Director, Eldorado Brasil | |||
通过可持续森林管理,实现纸浆净积极影响 Towards Net Positive Pulp with Sustainable Forest Management —— Timo Lehesvirta 芬欧汇川(UPM)集团全球林业事业部总监 Timo Lehesvirta , D i rector, Forest Global, UPM | |||
北美纸浆亚洲市场现状与趋势 Demand for North American Market Pulp in Asia and Future Outlook —— 康达菲 加拿大天柏纸浆公司销售副总裁 Ken Duffy, Vice President–Sales, Tembec | |||
茶 歇 Coffee Break | 15:20-15:40 | 茶 歇 Coffee Break | |
主旨演讲 Keynote Speech
| 15:40-16: 00 | 全球木片供应与中国需求形势分析 Global Woodchip Supply and China’s Demand Analysis —— David Evans 澳大利亚New Forests Timber Products 营销总监 David Evans ,Sales Director, New Forests Timber Products | |
高端对话 Panel Discussion | 16:00-16:50 | 主题:中国造纸产业变局与纸浆供求关系趋势 Topic: Structural Change in Chinese Paper Industry and Market Pulp Demand & Supply Balance 主持人:张达立 贝励管理咨询中国区总裁 Moderator : Dali Zhang, President,Pöyry(Beijing) Engineering and Consulting Co.,Ltd.Shanghai Branch 嘉宾Guests: 1. 李晓亮 山东华泰纸业股份有限公司董事长 Li Xiaoliang, Chairman of the Board, ShanDong Hutai Paper 2. 苏洛夫 维达国际控股有限公司采购总裁 Richard Su, Chief Procurement Officer, Vinda International Holdings Limited 3.Ilkka Hämälä 芬兰芬宝有限公司CEO Ilkka Hämälä ,CEO Metsä Fibre Oy 4. Tomas Wiklund 芬欧汇川纸浆市场和销售副总裁 Tomas Wiklund , VP Pulp Sales and Marketing,UPM 5. Luis Felli 巴西黄金公牛木浆公司商业运营总监 Luis Felli ,Commercial Operations Director, Eldorado Brasil
| |
酒会 Cocktail Party | 17:00-18:00 | 2016中国国际纸浆高峰论坛红酒会 2016 China International Pulp Forum Theme Wine Party | |
晚宴 Dinner | 18:30-21:00 | 2016中国国际纸浆高峰晚宴 2016 International Paper Pulp Gala |