Together for a Stable Growth
Since 2021, we have seen booming paper & pulp markets with sound supply and demand across Europe, the United States and other countries or regions. China’s pulp market has also begun to show a continuous upward trend, together with the rebound and recovery in the paper consumer market since the start of 2022. However it still faces the challenges of global supply chain constraints, energy and other commodity price surges, unstable domestic consumer demand, and weak economic growth and even the pressure of some non-market forces.
Therefore, the Annual Meeting of Shanghai Pulp Week, 2022 will be held on the theme of “Together for a Stable Growth”, with a wide range of hot topics relevant to policies, demands & supplies, markets, raw materials, shipping etc. in speeches or dialogues. We will invite main speakers such as officers from government, renowned experts in politics, economy fields and institutions as well as entrepreneurs from big brands in paper & pulp industry globally. And verseas experts will give speeches online.
Shanghai Pulp Week has been actively participated among the global industry these years. It is always attracting representatives of the management and sales teams from major global pulp suppliers, purchasing teams of papermaking enterprises, pulp logistics, financial investment, equipment technology and other service providers, providing an excellent platform for broad-scaled exchanges for businesses and other activities.
Chairman, CPICC
Chairman of the Board of Huatai Group
Zhang Yin, President of CPICC President , Nine Dragons Paper
Commercial Vice President of Asia Symbol
Vice President, Service China Area, Valmet
Deputy Director, the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP)
Vice Secretary General, Paper Branch, China Commerce Association for General Merchandise
Professor, University of International Relations
Sales Vice President, Voith Paper Asia Projects
Director, Procurement Center ,China Paper Corporation
CEO, Metsä Fibre
Deputy General Manager ,COSCO SHIPPING Specialized Carriers
Senior Partner, Hiways Law Firm
Thomas Schmitz
President,Andritz China
CEO, Suzano
General Manager Business Unit, Oji Paper International Trading (Shanghai) Co.,ltd
President of Brian McClay & Associates Inc.
Dennis Neilson
Dennis Neilson, Director of DANA Limited
Director, Purchasing Department of Sun Paper
Partner/Consultant, Gingko Consulting, China
Gavin Hao started GingKo Consulting, in Shanghai China, June 2019.
The GingKo Consulting is focused on:
Forest Investment Consulting
Wood Products Market Research
Industry Conference Organizing
Wood Products Trading Support
Gavin has worked in the forestry/pulp/paper industry since 2005. He has focused on wood products market research, forest investment due diligence, forest valuation, cost and price benchmarking, and also has experience in forestry management development.
During his time in the industry, Gavin has undertaken projects in China, Russia, South East Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. He has an excellent understanding of the pulp/paper & wood products industries especially in China.
Prior to starting up GingKo Consulting, Gavin was employed with several international companies (STORA ENSO / POYRY / RISI).
President, Valmet China
Sales Director, APAC, UPM Pulp
President, Baoding Yusen Sanitary Health Supplies
Vice President, CPICC,Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Vinda International Holdings
Tom Wright, Managing Director, Hawkins Wright Ltd
Tom was educated at St Paul’s School in London, and subsequently Newcastle University, where he gained a BSc in Economics. After training as an accountant, Tom joined Hawkins Wright in 1998. He undertakes most of the private client consultancy assignments on a wide range of topics related to the pulp and paper sector. He is the co-author and editor of the company’s regular multi-client reports, and principal author of the China research. Tom has helped to establish two major events in the pulp industry calendar, held annually in London and Shanghai. He travels widely; both in the course of market research and also as a frequent speaker to private meetings and industry conferences.
9月15日上 午 Moring, September 15th | |||
开幕式 Opening Ceremony | 8:50-9:50 | 开场VCR Opening VCR | |
主办方致辞 Organizer's Speech 笃定初心 蓄势前行 Moving Forward with Strength and Original Intention ——纸业商会副会长 玖龙纸业董事长 张 茵(拟) Zhang Yin, President of CPICC President,Nine Dragons Paper | |||
开幕式演讲 Opening Speech 全球浆纸市场分析与展望 Analysis and Prospect of Global Pulp and Paper Market ——纸业商副会长 亚太森博集团商务总裁 胡 伟 Hu Wei, Vice President, CPICC & Commercial President, Asia Symbol | |||
开幕式演讲 Opening Speech 维美德对未来的思考 Valmet's Thoughts on the Future ——维美德中国区总裁 朱向东 Zhu Xiangdong, Area President, China, Valmet | |||
开幕式演讲 Opening Speech 维美德最新技术发展 Valmet's Latest Technological Developments ——肖云峰 维美德服务业务线中国区副总裁 Xiao Yunfeng,Vice President, Service China Area, Valmet | |||
专题演讲 Speech | 10:10-10:40 | 国际关系与宏观经济形势报告 International Relations and Macroeconomic Situation Analysis ——中国社科院世界政治与经济研究所副所长 徐奇渊 Xu Qiyuan, Deputy Director, the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP) | |
10:40-11:00 | 供应链和需求端变局将如何推动行业重构 How Changes in Supply Chain & Demand Drive Industry Restructuring ——中纸联总经理 庄向群 Zhuang Xiangqun, GM,China Paper Union | ||
11:00-11:15 | 可持续造纸的重点领域 Focused Area of Sustainable Papermaking ——福伊特造纸亚洲区项目销售副总裁 赵海 Hanson Zhao, Sales Vice President, Voith Paper Asia Projects Corporation | ||
11:15-11:30 | 全球针叶浆产业与市场格局展望及芬林新项目进展 The Role of Kemi Bioproduct Mill in the Softwood Pulp Market ——芬林芬宝CEO 诺毅 Ismo Nousiainen, CEO, Metsä Fibre | ||
11:30-11:50 | 欧盟碳关税等绿色贸易规则对中国外贸出口的影响 The impact of EU carbon tariffs and other Green Trade Barriers on China's Foreign Trade Exports ——海华永泰(北京)律师事务所高级合伙人吴必轩 \ Wu Bixuan, Senior Partner, Hiways Law Firm | ||
午 餐 Lunch | 12:00-13:30 | 安德里茨午宴 Lunch sponsored by Andritz | |
9月16日上午 Morning, September 16h | |||
专题演讲 Speech | 09:00-09:20 | 中国纸浆市场特点与趋势 Characteristics and Trends of China's Pulp Demand ——中国纸业采购中心 总经理 贺飞 He Fei, Purchasing Director of China Paper | |
09:20-09:40 | 书赞桉诺与中国造纸: 相互信赖的全方位合作伙伴 Suzano & China Paper Industry: Long Term Partnership and Promising Future Ahead ——书赞桉诺(金鱼纸浆) CEO 沃特·舒卡 Walter Schalka, CEO, Suzano | ||
09:40-10:00 | 全球气候变化下的北方漂针浆供需的关键问题 Key Issues for NBSK Demand & Supply in a Changing Global Climate ——加拿大BrianMcClay&Associates公司总裁 Brian McClay Brian McClay, CEO, Brian McClay & Associates Inc. | ||
10:00-10:20 | 全球木片供应现状与趋势 Global Woodchip Supply ——新西兰DANA公司 Dennis Neilson Dennis Neilson, Director of DANA Limited | ||
10:20-10:40 | 全球纸浆供应与中国需求格局的分化与重构 Differentiation and Reconstruction of Global Pulp Supply and China's Demand ——王子制纸国际贸易(上海)有限公司营业部总经理 李建明 James Li, General Manager Business Unit,Oji Paper International Trading (Shanghai) | ||
11:00-11:30 | 分化与重构:后疫情时代的国际关系及中国经济 Overview of International Relations and China's Economy in the Post Pandemic Era ——国际关系及经济学专家 储殷 Chu Yin, International Relations Expert | ||
2023上海国际纸展时光 2023 Shanghai PaperExpo Time | 10:40-11:00 | 茶歇 Coffee Break | |
高端对话 Panel Discussion
| 11:30-12:30 | 主题:寻找新的平衡点 Theme: Seeking the New Balance 主持人 Moderator: 亚太森博 浆销售总经理 侯为龙 Hou Weilong,Pulp Sales GM, Asia Symbol 嘉宾 Panelist: 1. 纸业商会副会长 维达国际控股有限公司 副行政总裁 张健 Zhang Jian, Vice President, CPICC,Deputy Chief Executive Officer,Vinda International Holdings 2. 岳阳林纸股份有限公司 总经理 李战 Li Zhan, General Manager of Yueyang Forest & Paper 3. 山东太阳纸业股份有限公司 纸浆采购总监 姚冠俊 Yao Guanjun,Director, Purchasing Department of Sun Paper 4. UPM纸浆 亚太区销售总监毕 慧 Connie Bi, Sales Director, APAC, UPM Pulp 5. 保定雨森卫生用品有限公司 董事长 苏马力 Su Mali ,President, Baoding Yusen Sanitary Health Supplies